Wednesday 2 September 2015

The one place on earth where people love to belong is in their homes. Homes are where the family resides and showers love and tender care on all its members. It is considered that homes generate some kind of energies. The energies can be both positive and negative. Vastu Shastra is one such study which helps to attract positive vibes into our homes. Positive vibes make homes safe from all kinds of evil. There are certain ways that Vastu teaches men. 

Homes are said to be arranged according to Vastu Shastra as it has the power to only generate and attract healthy and positive vibes. Some beliefs of Vastu that people follow are:

  • Vastu-up Your HomeName plate on the door: Most people have their names at the entrance of their homes. They put a name plate outside their home. Many people are also seen giving names to their homes. Keeping the name plate of the owner outside the home is said to attract more opportunities to the homes and this will help to earn good luck and profit.
  • Buring of encase sticks:  The home may contain some kind of negative energy which people may not be aware of. This can sometimes prevent some good luck entering into homes. Vastu says to burn incense sticks both in the morning and in the evening as fire is considered to have the power to cleanse the air and make it positive. Incense sticks are also a form of worshipping God.
  • Placement of the kitchen: Vastu requires  member to place their kitchen in the South East side of their homes. But, sometimes the house is made in such a way that placement of the kitchen in the exact position becomes a bit difficult. In that case, it should be at least tries to keep the gas stove in the South east side.

  • Use of Mirrors: Mirrors are mostly said to generate more evil energy into the environment. They can help to cause illness and some sort of disease in the family. As far as possible, mirrors should be kept away from bedrooms. They should not face the beds. Mirrors can be kept away from bedroomsand dressing tables should be kept in a different room.

  • Placing of Religious Symbols: Om and Swastik are considered very sacred as these symbols are believed to be of God. Om symbol is considered to have enough power to clean the negativity in the environment. These symbols should be kept at the door or hanged on walls in the living room. No negative energy can get chance to enter homes when these symbols are used.

  • Main door: The main door of the house should not face the South west and there should not be any damage in the south west part of the house, as considered by Vastu. People are considered to become more unstable in their lives from such damages. The front door should be well illuminated and the entrance to the home is well lit up. This can help to attract more of positive energy.

  • Placing of toilets: Vastu considers it unlucky to place toilets and bathrooms in the north east side. This is considered back luck in case of finance for the family. The family may suffer from certain financial problems if the bathrooms are placed in that manner.

  • Use of bells: Many people have the habit of hanging bells at the gate. When bells clink, it is said to vibrate the positive feelings and energy present in the atmosphere.

These are some of the ways; the house can be designed according to Vastu. It has power to take away bad luck and evil and these methods should be followed to as much as possible!


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